blog Prophecology



How does our mind bank work?

Our thoughts and feelings are the result of information taken in. We store information in our minds by converting words and language into pictures. In fact, thoughts are constantly formalized as a result of what we see and hear. The ability to visualize what you want is more effective than simply saying it. What is going on inside our heads drives our emotions. Emotion or energy motion is analogous to a river’s flow of water, and our thoughts are the boulders and rocks in the river that redirect our emotions.

The negative thoughts that redirect us are like the big square rocks in the river that obstruct the flow of the water. The positive rocks are the smooth round rocks that allow the water to flow easily. As a result, the larger the negative rocks, the more difficult it is for the water to flow. Similarly, it will be more difficult to succeed in whatever endeavor we undertake if the negative thoughts in our minds bank are too large for us to reject and oppose.

What we imagine in our minds shapes our emotions. Words can sometimes be hollow and ineffective in motivating us. However, having a mind bank full of positive thoughts will energize us and keep us moving like a river. It’s easy to say positive things but believing them firsthand is a different story. We have the option of accepting or rejecting the words and ideas that come to mind. If it contradicts our beliefs, we have a tendency to dismiss the idea right away. And whether or not we believe that idea is based on previous ideas we have long kept safe in our mind bank. Our experiences filter out ideas that contradict our core beliefs. As a result, the ideas and beliefs stored in the mind bank are what make up the person in us and serve as the foundation for how we interact in our society.

But why do we have this kind of reasoning and yet nothing good happens to us? Why do we imagine abundance, promotion, and success but fail to experience them? The answer is that most of the time we are unconscious of what we think, so we do not actively participate in the thought process and instead leave the majority of it to chance. Or it’s possible that we don’t know how to do it correctly. We lack understanding of how to protect ourselves from negative thoughts and ideas.


Click here to read: POSITIVE THINKING


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