


The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. 

Ben Graham 

Honor the Lord with your substance
    and with the first fruits of all your produce;
10 then your barns will be filled with plenty,
    and your vats will be bursting with wine. 

Proverbs 3:9-10 NRSV 

In his book, Prophetic Studies, Dr. John Cumming described the power that the words parents speak in the home carry: 

“The words spoken by parents to their children in the privacy of home… are like words spoken in a whispering-gallery, and will be clearly heard at the distance of years, and along the corridors of ages that are yet to come.”



Whatever words your parents spoke to you concerning money, they still resonate even in your older age. Any negative words they spoke will resonate whenever you make a financial blunder. You might even get convinced that they were right even when they were not. Reversing negative parental money scripts is necessary in order to replace them with positive ones. 


God will never lead us astray. His way is perfect (2 Sa. 22:31). To the righteous, God directs their paths. He has the final say in the plans of man. When you wish to find direction, look to God. He cares for us to the point of knowing the number of hairs on our heads. The best guide to breaking away from lousy money scripts from parents is God. 


Think about the common phrases and statements you make about money. Which of these statements are you fond of? 

Sort out the scripts into good and bad. Intentionally let go of the bad scripts? 

What lessons can you learn from the good and bad scripts? 


Ponder on how you formed your money scripts? Did you develop them in opposition to your parents’ money scripts? Is this conscious opposite direction benefiting you? 


Are you always looking to God for direction? 


Conduct an honest appraisal of your obedience index of divine instructions. Do you typically obey God at all times or when convenient? What does this revelation tell you? 


Habits are challenging to break. Write down practices that God has helped you break from in the past. Does this increase your trust in God to break your habits that need to go? 


What concrete steps will you take in reversing money scripts you know impede you from making progress? 


What stops you from breaking from family traditions that are antithetical to your Christian faith? 


Are you allowing God’s Word to influence your money script? 


Do you only trust God in simple matters, or do you also trust Him in challenging situations?  


Do you acknowledge God as the architect of your achievements? 


Have you ever been at a point where you almost gave up, or you gave up trusting in God? If you found yourself at this point again, would you be persistent in your trust in God?  





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