


Being A Good Farmer

Safety is the second level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. To be a good farmer, you need to know about this level. They must reach this level in their business to be happy. The second level refers to the company’s safety requirements; it shows how safe and secure it is. People who work in a business need to think about their safety, the company’s resources, their jobs, their morality, their health, and the safety of their property. This includes the safety of the people who work in the business and the protection of the property.

This refers to how safe the company is regarding its social and political responsibilities and how stable it is. In time, the farmer will be satisfied with their work. When the second level of the hierarchy is learned, they will be happy with their work. Even if there are problems, the farmer is sure he can deal with them even if they happen. The farmer is good at this second hierarchy level, which shows that the business is stable. It can fully perform and be accountable to everyone who is part of the business process and its clients (Reitan, 2013).

There’s a big difference when it comes to living or living well.

The Need for Safety

Yes, we all need to stay alive and be safe. However, life isn’t just about being able to live. God didn’t make us just go through the motions and hope to get by. The full life Jesus promised us when he told us that he would give us life to the fullest isn’t what we’re living (John 10:10).

We were made to thrive, not just survive (Ponder, 1962). People in the world today still have to deal with the same economic problems that were there decades ago. They are usually never satisfied.

We use the word “prosper” to mean “to grow and thrive.” It’s all about getting what you want. You are rich in terms of how much peace, health, and money you have. Yes, I feel wealthy.




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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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