Tarumah: The Priest’s Portion

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Tarumah: The Priest’s Portion

Tarumah: The Priest’s Portion

The Purpose of Giving

The târumah or the priest’s portion, with the portion of the Levites, is explained in Ezekiel 48:8. The târumah already referred to in Ezekiel 45:1-5 is described with more detail. The târumah land for the priests was to be by the border of Judah.80 It must embrace the above specified portions. In terms of breadth, it should be from north to south. It should be 25,000 reeds. In length, it should be as one of the other parts, extending from the east to the west side of the land. In relation to the sanctuary, it must be in the midst of, not necessarily the exact geographical center of the whole târumah.

In as much as the command to dedicate the târumah, in a context where Yahweh is giving His land to His people. However, the call for action is for the Israelites to raise the territorial reserve as if it were an offering presented to God. For the first time these allotments (naḥălôt) are referred to as ḥălāqîm, “portions” (cf. Eze. 45:7), which link this text with Joshua’s division of the territorial spoils of holy war against the Canaanites.81

Situated between Judah and Benjamin, the târumah splits the ḥălāqîm into two unequal groups, seven in the north and five in the south. This tract not only embodies the theological center of gravity (not the geographic middle) of the nation; it has its own core, the sanctuary (miqdāš) “in its midst” (bĕtôkô).

The city must dedicate a portion of their land to the Lord, so that in their daily lives, they would make the Lord the center of their lives.




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