The Farmer Sows Vs. The Hunter Consumes
April 24, 2022 2023-04-05 19:14The Farmer Sows Vs. The Hunter Consumes
The Farmer Sows Vs. The Hunter Consumes
The Farmer Sows Vs. The Hunter Consumes
Growing or Stagnant?
The farmer grows in self-actualization, whereas the hunter never progresses beyond step. By achieving their dreams and goals for their businesses, the farmer becomes more self-actualized. They persevere and grow by investing in customer relationships. They learn from the needs and concerns of their customers. They learn by providing better service and imagining ways to provide even better service in the future.
They recognize the worth of the seed. By sowing these seeds, they are taking a risk. The hunter, on the other hand, remains poor because he is always in survival mode. He consumes his seed. He eats it rather than sows it. He believes that in order to survive, he must consume all of the seed. The farmer sees beyond the most basic survival needs. He wants to prosper, so he plants the seed so that in the end, he can provide more for himself for a longer period of time.
The farmer does not stop at making a profit; instead, he invests more in strengthening the relationship in order to make a consistent profit for the business. They concentrate their efforts on achieving their objectives. The hunter never goes beyond the first step because their only goal is to make money.
They are only interested in making a profit and do not address the concerns of their customers. Most of the time, it is salespeople who are affected. They only take orders and, once they’ve met their quota, they direct customers’ concerns to customer service. Customers have to wait longer in this process than when dealing with sales agents who visit them on a regular basis to get their orders.
How can you grow more like a farmer this week?
Click here to read: THE ROLE OF THE FARMER
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