


Are you the farmer or the hunter?

The farmer is the producer whereas the hunter is the consumer.  Many people operate with the mindset of the hunter. There is so much poverty in this world of great wealth because most people want the “handout” (Ponder, 1962). There is indeed no free lunch in this world. To become rich, do not look for free food. It doesn’t exist at all, so that is the first thing. Second, it doesn’t help you live following the law of prosperity, so it doesn’t help.

Do not try to get something for free. It’s not possible to do. It is pointless to try to get rich by doing this. As long as you keep living this way, you will live in poverty.

In business, the farmer makes things, and the hunter buys them. The farmer makes friends while the hunter only thinks about making money for the company. People who buy food from farmers have a relationship with them, which helps the business grow in the long run. The hunter only thinks about making money, and relationships aren’t important to him. In the Bible, God teaches us to put our money into things that last.

Putting money into things that last for a long time might mean giving up something today, but God knows it will be worth it. Doing what is right in God’s eyes is the only thing that will last. In the end, we know that everything we do now will be necessary. We need to keep going for a long time. Don’t be like a hunter who grabs what’s in front of him.

Our success will only last as long as we don’t give up. You’ll lose everything because you didn’t save for the future, so you won’t have anything. In the Bible, if you want to live a good life, you need to keep going and work hard for God’s kingdom. Do not just grab what is in front of you.




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Prophecology: The Podcast

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