blog Prophecology



You need to wait

The Law of Harvest encompasses a season of waiting. When we plant a seed, it does not automatically grow and instantly bears its fruits. You need to wait, and in the season of waiting, you need to take good care of it. The farmer has to go into the season of waiting as the seeds go into the season of growth. Waiting, however, does not mean idleness. A farmer’s work is not done. As he waits for his seeds to grow, he tends the field. He makes sure that the soil remains conducive to growth.

Your investment will not grow overnight either. You have to wait for it to mature. Don’t let your uncertainty or anxiety lead you to make rash decisions like pulling out or canceling it. Use your time wisely as you wait. As you wait, do something productive by learning other things. In the season of waiting, it is not only the seeds that grow. The sower grows, too. This season will build your character cultivating the fruit of the Spirit in you. 

You need to care for the plant.

The farmer cares for what he planted. Nourishing the seed with the right things will help it to grow healthy. You must care for the individual or individuals you have sown into and whose growth you are witnessing. Your relationships in life should be watered by the principles and examples of Christ.

People are like plants, too. Some may need more quality time than others. Others may need more words of encouragement than others. Maybe some need more distance and space than others. Some may require more mentoring than others. Your knowledge of and experience with them will guide you to do what is best for them.

Your wisdom will guide you to do what is correct at the right time. It would help if you also protected what you planted. As you invest time and effort in relationships, you should take care of it. Speak of truth and life. Practice honesty and truth. Never tell lies because it ruins relationships. A relationship that is not built on trust will not make sense at all because you will be forever in doubt, and you will never learn to trust the person. 




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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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