The Reality of Money Worship


The Reality of Money Worship

The Reality of Money Worship

Money worship carries the belief that money is the key to happiness. Having more money is the best solution to problems. Klontz likens money worship disorder to a fairy godmother, who, with a wave of her hand, grants Cinderella her wishes. With a single swoop, the fairy godmother solves a current problem. Thus, a person who has this money script similarly embedded in their subconscious reasons.

Con artists, pyramid schemes, and gambling sites appeal to this money script. They offer the notion of “more money.” The idea that you will earn more money to deal with your problems will make you do anything to earn more. No matter how much chaos and misery they [money disorders] cause, people can’t seem to shake their faulty beliefs or change their unhealthy behaviors.

Have you ever found the need to hoard items? Do you do so because you feel if you don’t do it now, you’ll run out of something, significantly cash?

Are you a workaholic? Why do you think you have the obsessive need to work so hard? Similarly, why is it crucial to work beyond the hours and days you’re supposed to?

Do you see that having a certain amount of money allows you to fit into a particular social group? What would be the consequence of not having enough money for this group?

Have you ever changed your personality, fashion, speech mannerisms, and even personal convictions to be a part of a socio-economic group or clique?

If you’ve answered yes to most of these questions, then you may be suffering from money worship. Every decision revolves around the idea that with more money, things will be better.

Where does your happiness rest?

Elizabeth Ford and Daniella Drake take time to discourage women from marrying for the sake of love. In their book, “Smart girls marry money,” they paint the picture of some smart girls living a less successful money life compared to the less intelligent girls:

“After attending a few class reunions, we noticed many lady lawyers, doctors, and MBAs were still slaving after forty, while lots of less brainy gals were taking long vacations from their day jobs, shopping at Prada, and enjoying more than their fair share of hot-stone massages.”

The writers provide a strong money worship ideology. In this regard, they show how sometimes, a woman’s happiness and financial freedom are hinged on marrying a man with money.


Check out: Money Cannot Buy Love

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