May 22, 2022 2023-04-24 10:54THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IN LIFE
What is the secret to success?
The secret to success in life requires action to be taken. In order to accomplish your desires, you must be mindful of what you want. You can’t get or make things happen until you have consciousness. It would help if you had a rock-solid belief in the things you want. We are superhumans with the ability to imagine. If you are aware of what you want and desire in life, you will have the ability to achieve it.
Positive thinking will undoubtedly assist you in achieving your life objectives. Do not be easily disheartened, and learn to focus at all times. Every failure teaches you something that will help you succeed in the future. You can use the framework to create consciousness about what you want (Price, 1981).
What can you do?
What do you want out of life? It would help if you concentrate your thoughts on what you truly desire.
To embrace the realization of your desires, you must make a firm decision.
Other people or jobs cannot fulfill your wants in the outside world of experience and form unless you have the consciousness or mental counterpart for them.
The first step in creating the mental equivalent is realizing that the Divine Idea matching your desire exists in your keen awareness. This is the level of intellectual understanding.
However, intellectual knowledge alone is insufficient to shape the external view. Consider your emotional character. When the two interact, a tremendous reaction occurs in the subjective phase of the mind, establishing a vibration that correlates to the spiritual counterpart of fulfillment in your super consciousness.
If shielded from opposing thoughts, this fusing of the mind along the lines of a specific desire for fulfillment will evolve into a conviction.
Do not plan how your want will be met – do not be worried about how your good will manifest. You must put your faith in God’s wisdom.
Meditation, affirmations, and the proper use of the power of imagination help you establish your convictions.
Feel thankful that your desires have already been realized and that they will come at the appropriate time and in the right way.
Take action! Attempt to achieve your life’s goals and desires. Do not simply sit about waiting for something to fall into your lap.
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