


You always have something to give

There is always a seed to sow. Don’t be duped by the Enemy. You can always contribute something. The lie here is that you are broke and have no way of surviving. That is why, when you come across a seed or God blesses you with something, you devour it as if there is no tomorrow.

“I am in need, what can I give?” you may be thinking. There is always something you can give, whether tangible or intangible. Whatever you give of yourself will connect you to God’s abundant supply (Ponder, 1962).

You may not have hundreds of dollars in your bank account, but you do have hundreds of minutes to spare. Invest your time in a worthwhile cause. Do not just mope around day after day, complaining about how bad your life is.

“You cannot get something for nothing,” says Ponder (1962), “but you can have the best of everything if you give full measure for the good you wish to receive.” Do not deprive yourself by consuming the seeds that God has provided for you. Take a look at what you’re holding. Examine your skills and abilities. What do you possess that others do not? There is always something you can contribute.

Expansion of Territory

It is difficult to expand one’s territory. You must conduct surveys in order to come up with new ways to provide unique products or services to your customers. However, we do not have to do everything on our own. In our business, you must always remember that God is the one who provided the funds for you to start your own.

God can move your business in a variety of ways as long as you use it to glorify Him. Tithing is one way to glorify God through your business and to prosper. Keep in mind that God is your financial partner. He can show you the way and provide you with clients to help your business thrive. You give God 10% of your best, and in this way, you glorify Him through your finances. Even at the start of your business, tithing is a good habit to develop. It is now time to tithe. Choose to always give to God, no matter how small your business’s income is. Tithing is a success pledge made to God (Ponder, 1983).


Click here to read: THE ROLE OF THE FARMER


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