September 13, 2022 2023-04-24 13:01TWO SEASONS
Two seasons of importance in our lives are the seasons of preparation and harvest. Seasons are necessary for pushing you to realize and learn particular things. A change of setting enriches your experience and opens up your perception. In Genesis, the scriptures paint a picture of two common seasons in a person’s life.
22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” (Genesis 8:22, NIV)
When you experience times of darkness and despair, you are in a time of trial.
In attaining the wealth that you desire, you must be able to identify these two seasons. When it is time to prepare, you must do the right things. If you want to be a successful fashion designer, you cannot wait for people to notice your work. Read as much as you can and innovate as often as you can. Constantly upgrade your methods and seek out new clients.
Even though there might not be a buzz about your business right now, the best thing to do is continually strive to improve. It is a time for you to cultivate your talents and work on making improvements. Perform properly in each season that you pass through.
Click here to read: WHAT SEASON ARE YOU IN?
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