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Material Prosperity is from God

Wealth and material prosperity are found in the glory of God. God prophesies a Last Day’s outpouring of God’s glory that will be greater than any other outpouring of His glory, at any other time, in all of human history. We are experiencing the beginning of the heavens opening up — as it pours out the glory of God. 

6 The Lord says, “In a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth once more. I will also shake the ocean and the dry land. 7 I will shake all the nations. Then what is desired by all nations will come to my temple. And I will fill the temple with glory,” says the Lord who rules over all. 8 “The silver belongs to me. So does the gold,” announces the Lord who rules over all. 9 “The new temple will be more beautiful than the first one was,” says the Lord. “And in this place I will bring peace,” announces the Lord who rules over all. (Haggai 2:6-9) 

Everything Belongs to Him

The passage above shows us that the Almighty God informs us that all the gold and silver in the world belongs to Him. Do you see how God talks about both His glory and His money? He is not changing the subject. God is telling us that He understands better than we do that when His glory is poured out, it is going to manifest in material wealth to fund His purposes here on earth. It is not only about health, healing, joy, revelation, signs, and wonders in the glory. There is also a financial blessing that would be poured out in the Body of Christ.  

Great Wealth Follows God’s Glory

Great wealth follows the glory of God. It is the natural order of things. Israel prospered greatly under King David because, even if he was not perfect, David allowed the glory of God to manifest under his leadership. Before he died, David gathered together billions of dollars worth of gold and silver alone, excluding the brass, iron, and other materials that could not be measured. He made sure he had this wealth to build God’s temple. This wealth was made available by God to David because Israel welcomed God’s Glory (1 Ch. 22:14­16). Scripture shows us that David personally gave out of his own pocket well over 100 million dollars, by today’s standards, for this project God entrusted for him to fund. Do you want God to tap you to be part of one of His projects here on earth? 

Generational Blessings

David’s son, Solomon, inherited David’s wealth and oversaw the actual building of the Temple. The financial blessings and provisions are generational. It will not only bless one generation, but it can bless generations after you. The favor of God did not just stay with David, it also went into Solomon’s life. Here is biblical proof: 

  • The Nation of Ophir gave Solomon 20 million dollars worth of gifts (1 Kgs. 9:14)
  • The Queen of Sheba and the King of Tyre each gave him four million dollars worth of wealth (1 Kgs. 9:28; 10:10).
  • There was one year of gifts coming in totaling 20 million in gold alone from nations surrounding him (2 Ch. 9;13-28)

Is Solomon that great of a leader? Doesn’t God have something to do with this tremendous influx of wealth? This financial blessing only happened because Solomon allowed the glory to flow through him personally and nationally under his reign, just like his father did. The wealth just keeps pouring in when you allow God’s glory to come in first. 

What Now? 

  1. How does the knowledge that the glory of God is His wealth change your perspective on material wealth?
  2. How are you seeking God’s glory in your life?  
  3. Do you need to repent for having a “poverty is a blessing” mindset?

Declarations for Wealth

Dear Lord, 

You are the Creator of Heaven and earth. Lord, thank You for You are good. You are perfect. You are also faithful, even when we are not good, perfect, and faithful. I long to see Your glory. I want to be in Your presence. I want to experience the fullness of joy.     

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Click here to read: GOD’S GLORY AND REWARDS


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