December 29, 2021 2023-04-05 19:13WRITE THE VISION
Write the vision is the instruction given in Habakkuk 2:2. Have you come to a significant financial decision lately? If yes, did you document it? If you did not, the chances are that you might forget or poorly execute the judgment. The reason why God wanted Habakkuk to write the vision down was because of remembrance. Whenever it seemed that God had failed, the written invention would act as a reminder that God’s promise was not late and that He would still bring it to pass.
God has blessed us many times, but like the Israelites, our memories quickly fail. Habakkuk’s advice to take the time to write down, in today’s context — to journal — God’s faithfulness allows us to look back at what God has done. It humbles us to know that we can move from one mindset to another because of God’s grace. God’s restoration heals us from destructive money beliefs. It is also God’s blessings that can make us truly rich.
The human memory though very powerful, doesn’t have a lasting memory. What techniques do you use to help you remember your plans and vision?
Take action–get a physical or digital note that you will use to document your plans, decisions, promise, tasks, etc.
Knowing that you need to develop a strategy for making better financial decisions, what is the next thing you can do?
Aware that you tend to forget or disregard financial tasks, what is one thing you are committing to do this week?
Knowing that you tend to get stagnant, how does it change your perception of the future?
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the victory I have in you over the world, sin, and the devil. With our enduring help, I will take charge of my finances and desires.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen
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