Aspects of the Covenant Part 3
March 1, 2020 2023-04-05 19:12Aspects of the Covenant Part 3
Aspects of the Covenant Part 3
Nehemiah 10:34 shows us the participation of the people for everything the Temple needs. The wood was necessary to make sacrifices. It was not given as a burden on one person or group. Instead, they cast lots in bringing in the wood. In other words, they took turns. All the people worked as a community to ensure the temple ministry continued.
The work of the Lord brings people together. Like we repeatedly say, the Lord does not need us to provide for the Temple. However, He commands it so that we experience what it feels like to contribute our time, talents, and offering to the Lord as a community. It is a strengthening experience that we humans can benefit from. Participation and obedience blesses us.
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