January 9, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12DRAW FROM THE “POWER” WELL
I used to wonder whether a system had been put in place whose purpose was to put a wire around my family roots and chains to stunt our growth. I now realize that what the slave master did was take away our intense desire for power. He told us that if we live right, heaven would belong to us. He sold us on the “by and by” and kept from us that we could gain the power in the now and now. He never let us know that we had the power to be, do, and have. He made us feel like we were evil if we had a desire for power, but if God didn’t want us to have power, He wouldn’t have given us the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8). God wants us to have an intense desire for power. Some of you have lost your drive for power, and others never had it in the first place because they weren’t taught it was theirs to have.
A young man who does not want to have children needs to be checked out psychologically to understand why he would not want to reproduce himself legally in a marriage. He might say he’s going to get married at 35, but why would he wait until he’s 35 to get married? Who is he going to marry? At that age, he will have to marry outside of his generation.
Have you ever talked to our young men? They all want to get married late, and those late marriages are killing a race. A man’s seed is strongest in his teenage years and early twenties, and a woman in her 30s is already entering an area of risk when it comes to pregnancy. If you start dating a lady when you’re both in your twenties and you tell her you want to get married at 35, you’re tying up 15 years of her life. What happens if you turn 35 and you still just aren’t feeling it? Then, maybe, you’ll leave her and try to find someone who is 21 and willing to wait just like the first one was.
I talked recently to a 40-year-old man who is dating someone in her 20s. I asked him if they listen to the same music. He laughed. I said, “You’re out of your generation,” and he said most men are, these days. “It doesn’t make it right,” I said. “You need to stay in your generation.”
Is it that you’re too insecure to deal with a woman your own age? I wanted to ask. Or are you only comfortable with girls? I know this is not a popular message. I don’t care. You need to start looking at what’s happening psychologically. What’s in your mind?
Do you still desire the power of the Holy Spirit to be evident in your life? Or, have you believed the lie of contentment for a quiet, uneventful life? People mistake Christianity for being boring because there is so many “rules”. How can Christianity be boring when you have the license to move in the supernatural because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? You were meant to display God’s power here in earth. It’s not reserved for who you might consider as spiritual giants. It’s not just for the pastors and bishops. It is for every believer who is willing to be used by God.