blog Prophecology


Spend more quiet time with God

One of these practices include spending time with God. Since this progression is based on a relationship, it’s vital for prophets to actively set time to seek God, to dwell in His presence, and to listen to His voice. Throughout scripture, one important role for the prophet is to act as a watchman, warning the people of danger to come (Jer. 6:17). The prophet’s relationship with God is a critical key to being sensitive to this kind of message. Obviously, to be a watchman requires one to spend time watching. The watchman needs to spend considerate time focusing on what he is guarding. If the watchman is distracted, he’ll miss signs that there is danger.

Jesus intentionally withdrew from his disciples and the crowd on a regular basis (Lk. 5:16). The practice of actively spending time drawing close to the Lord requires you to change your whole lifestyle and to give up things that make you unable to spend time alone with God. Is it canceling that Netflix subscription? Is it scheduling less time on Facebook? Sacrifices need to be made because you, like any other person in the world, only have a limited 24 hours a day.

In Isaiah 40:31, the prophet mentioned something about “waiting upon the Lord”. The Hebrew word for “wait upon” is qavah (kaw-vaw’ ); which means to bind together (perhaps by twisting). The image is of the child of God binding his heart together with the Lord so that communication takes place with great depth and intensity. It sensitizes the prophet to the Spirit of God and enables much deeper revelation to flow.

Receive impartation

Spiritual power, specifically the gift of prophecy, can be imparted. The prophetic gift can be sparked or fanned into a brighter flame by other Christians who are also gifted with this anointing. The more time you spend with elder prophets, the more you receive a greater portion of their anointing. The following can be done to receive impartation of the prophetic gift:

Laying on hands (2 Tim. 1:6),

• Breathing on people (Jn. 20:22, Jn.14:12),

• Prophesying a gift into somebody (1 Tim. 4:14 – note the combination of laying on of hands)

• A person touching the prophet’s clothing (Lk. 8:46. Nb. “power” or “virtue” is a translation of the Greek word “dunamis” which describes the power of the Holy Spirit, who supplies giftings such as prophecy)

• Playing music (2 Kgs. 3:15-19)

• Simple physical proximity with someone who ministers in a powerful prophetic anointing (1 Sam. 19:23-24)

• Water baptism (Mt. 3:16)

• Praying for someone (2 Kgs. 6:15-17)

It is true that it is the Holy Spirit who actually gives spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:11), However, the Holy Spirit can also use human agents at times in this process, just as the Lord does with so many others.

Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan prophesied the mind of God concerning this current pandemic and so many other world events in his book series, Written Judgments. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season.

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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