The Burden of Revelation
August 8, 2018 2023-04-05 19:11The Burden of Revelation
The Burden of Revelation
Every one of you has a burden that, right now, is light. If you can find the light of it, it will pay you. You have to find the revelation that is locked up in every burden. My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Your burden is revelation. God is giving you a lamp. Whatever trial you are passing through, it is a lamp; that is if you know how to work your imagination and get your perspective and your perception right.
It can either drag you down or pay you later. Judas got Jesus paid. Jesus went to glory and ended up with a crown. He ended up with all of you worshipping him. Make sure your devil can get you paid. Agree with your adversary quickly. Resist not evil. The reason some of you are having problems with evil is because you are fighting it. Never fight evil. Evil was not designed to be fought.
In reality, evil was designed to be sought. Whatever you fight you take back. The only fight that God commands you to fight is the good fight of faith. Do not do anything with the devil. The devil is a lie. He does not exist. Why would you ascribe truth to him? Lending your power to the devil gives him reality. The only thing that is real is I AM. As simple as that sound, that is really all you’ll ever need to know.
The word of God is rich and working mightily in me. I decree right here, and right now, that I flourish, walk in success, and fulfill my destiny in Christ Jesus. I make a determination right now; I vow to become everything the Father has ordained for me. I decree and declare right now that success, and fulfillment, works in my mind, and in my consciousness. I take this truth and live the God-given reality, which comes to me from the Father up above.
God in me, I thank you for the reality and the truth that makes me free.
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