The Speech Act of Assertion
May 27, 2020 2023-04-05 19:12The Speech Act of Assertion
The Speech Act of Assertion
The Speech Act of Assertion
Identifying what constitutes as the speech act of assertion is a rather difficult task, and one we’re going to delve into right now. People usually mistake assessment as assertion, and for good reason. They’re similar in the way that we make statements of them. For instance, “That person is very ineffective in what he does” can appear as if it’s an assertion, especially if we say it with such authority. However, the difference boils down to whether that statement can be proven as true or false. While an assessment is made based on our opinion and feelings and thus can’t necessarily be fully proven in the sense of black and white, an assertion can be resolved without doubt.
When you say that we are held on the ground by gravity, while you are making what appears to be an observation, you are actually making what is considered a grounded assertion. It sounds confusing right now, but we’ll get there. We need to learn to identify what is assumed and implied apart from what is asserted.
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