


Most prophecies in the Bible are forward-looking.

We can understand prophecy as a forward-looking gift. Most prophecies in the Bible are forward-looking. Prophecies in a local church can include word of knowledge and word of wisdom. It can be general or specific. There is usually a keyword that brings breakthrough, repentance, illumination, and the like. Prophecy can seem to be a little repetitive if all you hear in your Church is that God loves you. God does love you, of course, but He has a lot more to say. Actually, there are three levels of prophecy that prophets must be aware of when listening to God’s voice.

1 Corinthians 12 – Simply Prophecy

The first level of prophecy is based on the knowledge that all believers can prophesy. If you are a believer reading this book, you can prophesy because of the grace of God. In 1 Corinthians 12:7, Paul tells you that you have been given the Holy Spirit and you can encourage others through a prophetic word. The Holy Spirit is given for the common good. When we first begin to prophesy, we prophesy out of our maturity — or immaturity. Most of us can give an encouraging word with the help of the Holy Spirit. All believers can prophesy at this level.


1 Corinthians 14 – Specific or Directional Prophecy

We don’t usually have problems with giving general words of encouragement, do we? However, when it comes to specific words of instruction or direction to individuals or the church, this is where some of us really need a clear word from God. This level of prophecy is called the 1 Corinthians level — a gift of prophecy.

All can prophesy, but some are simply given a different anointing, resulting in clarity and accuracy in the prophetic instruction.

All can prophesy, but some are simply given a different anointing, resulting in clarity and accuracy in the prophetic instruction. That usually means that God gave this gift and it produces a word that is beyond blessings or encouragement. God is the source of this prophetic gift. But we need the character and wisdom to use this directional gift properly. Individuals with the gift of prophecy need lots of training in what to do and not to do, so they know what to do with what the Lord gives them. This practice is particularly important to avoid hurting or offending God’s people.


Ephesians 4 – Prophet and the Ministry

The third level of prophecy involves the Ephesians 4 prophet. A biblical prophet receives a commission from the Lord and the fruit that confirms this calling. Ephesians 4 prophets typically have a national or transnational sphere of work that the Lord has specifically assigned to them.

These prophets release impartation and know how to work with the prophetic gifts. Impartation brings about change. This change is a critical part of the Ephesians 4 prophet’s message. These prophets are designed by God to equip the Church in these Spirit manifestations. When you come around a prophet, you actually experience aspects of the presence of God.  There are many different kinds of prophets, but all have a capacity to sense and release God’s presence. Prophets set kings into offices, speak directional words to apostles, and bring impartation.

Impartation is not done by the will of any prophet, but it happens through them as they are carried along by the Spirit.

Impartation pertains to a release that comes into you by the power of the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the impartation is to confirm or to empower God’s call, function, or gift on your life. Impartation is not done by the will of any prophet, but it happens through them as they are carried along by the Spirit.




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