


Best keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you see the world.

George Bernard Shaw

Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good.

Romans 12:9 NRSV

If there is one thing that we’ve established so far about the millennial generation, they desire authenticity.  Today’s generation has grown and evolved into a compassionate group, has a very different sense of priorities and belief system, and is immensely tech-savvy.

They long for something far beyond what material things could offer.

The millennials have been surrounded with almost everything they would ever want–especially in the material aspect–compared to their elders, who were mostly survivors of wars who experienced scarcity at its lowest point. And yet, this generation continues to seek more. They long for something far beyond what material things could offer.

One of the church’s primary goals is succession–to pass on the flame of the church to the new generation. But how will this be possible if there is decreasing church engagement among the youth? If no one among the young ones is present, this will never be possible.

We have a very traditional church. For ages, the system made up by the founders and forerunners of our church has been working–albeit having tweaks here and there, to cater to the changing ones. But perhaps this is the greatest hurdle that your church is yet to overcome–bridging the millennial gap. Yes, I say gap because there is a more definite contrast between the millennials and the gen-x, compared to the previous generations.

To effectively address this, one needs to know which specific concerns to address. Check next week’s blog for things you can consider to build up your authenticity level.




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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan prophesied the mind of God concerning this current pandemic and so many other world events in his book series, Written Judgments. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Click the link and download this book today so that you will know what God is saying during this trying season.

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

In March 2019, Zoe Ministries Inc. launched a quarterly magazine entitled “Zoe Ministries Magazine” given out to the Master Prophet’s Blessing Plan members. The topics in the magazine covers wellness, technology, ministry, events, testimonials and exclusive interviews with Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan. Due to COVID-19, we have made the magazines available digitally on We recently released our newest March 2020 issue Sankofa: Zoe Ministries Celebrating 37 Years. All magazine issues are available for download here.

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Prophecology: The Podcast

In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Some of the previous guests include Rev. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more.

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