Christ as the Reality of Five Offerings Part 2

blog Prophecology

Christ as the Reality of Five Offerings Part 2

The Peace Offering

Experiencing Christ as the peace offering (Lev. 3:1-17; 7:11-21) signifies having fellowship with Christ. Through our tithes and offerings, we are declaring loyalty to God. It means we live no longer as God’s enemies, but His friends. We can enjoy fellowship with Jesus Christ and with fellow believers. When we can have fellowship with God by Christ, this is peace with God. When we can have fellowship with man, this is peace with man. The peace offering offers both. When we have peace with a brother, that means we have fellowship with him. The more we experience Christ, the more fellowship we can have in peace with others.


The Sin Offering

Christ can be enjoyed as our sin offering (Lev. 4:1-35). We must remind ourselves that we have a sinful nature. It is through our generosity that we curb sins of pride and greed. Sins of the flesh are restricted when we offer a sacrifice to the Lord.


Regardless of how much we obey the Lord, as long as we are on this side of heaven, our fleshly and sinful desires can overtake us. We can never be complacent. We need Christ to deal with our sinful nature. We give an offering out of our own ability and generosity. We give by the grace of Jesus.



The Trespass  Offering

After the sin offering, there was also the trespass offering (Lev. 5:1-19), which symbolized how Christ addressed our sinfulness. The sin offering deals with the person’s sinful nature within. On the other hand, the trespass offering deals with the sinful deeds people committed.

The confession of our failures, mistakes, wrongdoings and shortcomings apply Christ as our trespass offering. The burnt offering, meal offering, and peace offering are the main items for our experience. Whereas, the sin offering and trespass offering are supplementary.


When we come together in fellowship, the sacrifice of Jesus is available for whatever we need. We may offer money, but we have different intentions for the offering we are giving. We can access these five different offerings according to the struggle we are experiencing in that particular season of our lives.


You are not paying for your sins to be absolved or paying for prayer. If you are thinking like this, then it is the enemy that put it in your mind that you can purchase these things. Remember, purification, peace, forgiveness, and redemption — these are not for sale. They are freely given. Your offering, which is the money you give to the church, is your acknowledgment of what you receive from Jesus. It’s a declaration of allegiance and loyalty. Remember, you always bring an offering somewhere. It can be to the Lord by giving it to the church or by helping the poor, but it can also be to greed or to pride by directing the portion of your money for tithes and offering for personal gain.



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