No Inheritance in the Land
January 22, 2020 2023-04-05 19:12No Inheritance in the Land
No Inheritance in the Land
The priests had homes where they can live when they are off duty, but they had no territory of their own, in the same sense as Jews of other tribes. They had no land to work, which is why they relied on offering for personal consumption. Priests had families to support too.
The Lord says, He is their inheritance. This was not expounded on right away. He is saying to the priests they were to live “of the altar”.44 Just as the priests were the special possession of the Lord, so the Lord was the special possession of the priests, potentially in all cases, actually for those who were capable of comprehending it, infinitely more desirable than any other portion. To have the Lord as your portion, meant not having to want anything or not being in lack.
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