January 12, 2022 2023-04-05 19:13REWRITING MONEY AVOIDANCE SCRIPTS
Never spend your money before you have it.
Thomas Jefferson
The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
Proverbs 22:7 NRSV
Rewriting money avoidance scripts is possible to do. Money avoiders believe that money is bad, mainly due to painful events and negative emotions. Different people come from different family backgrounds, histories, and experiences. Traumatic or difficult memories or past circumstances can be subconsciously ingrained into a person’s money psychology. There is hope. The mind is not a fixed object. It can be molded and remolded.
To change a money-avoidance script, one needs to gradually see the value that money has, so they can then develop positive emotional reactions towards finances. It requires a person to be financially informed. With the right knowledge, any assumptions and negative beliefs can be quenched.
Have you ever been a money avoider? What was behind this view? What did you do to overcome this money disorder?
How would you rate your giving on a scale of 1-10? What can you do to be more generous?
Identify the needy in your church, family, or neighborhood—work towards meeting their needs according to your capacity.
Charity should begin at home. Write down five ways you can improve in providing for your family. You may think of taking them out for a treat, going on vacation, etc.
Take a moment to ponder what people, especially family and friends, say about your giving attitude. Do they call you a giver or a miser?
Are you satisfied with your commitment to the things of God?
How can you better use your wealth to serve God and others?
The acceptable religion to God is helping those in need. Are you practicing this religion?
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