


You Can Rewrite Your Story

Write the narrative as you would like it to be.  The Whites can rewrite the narrative that they are racist and oppressive. On the other hand, the Blacks can rewrite the narrative about them being unproductive. As different generations come, such narratives should be a distant memory. The world that God created can cater to both Blacks’ and Whites’ needs without developing racial prejudices that bring about strife and disunity.  

Rewriting a new narrative involves coming together and admitting that we all need each other. Citing the example of Oral Roberts University, Dr. Oral Roberts combed the earth, searching for the best minds to surround him. He did not limit his knowledge circle to a specific group of people. This in itself was a recipe for success. The solution to particular problems requires us to choose the best, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background.   

How can you prove to people that something good can come from you? 


What measures are you putting in place to change the narrative for good?  


How are you creating a positive image for your racial/ethnic group in your little way? 


Are you consciously raising your child to shun racial discrimination? 



Knowing that racial discrimination has affected your finances, what is the next thing you can do? 


Knowing that you may be suffering from victim mentality concerning your future, what is one thing you are committing to do this week? 


Understanding you can have the power to take your power back. How does it change your perception of the future? 



Dear Lord, 

Thank you for your guidance and fortitude in passing through difficult times. I will make it despite the odds against me. Lord, I refuse to give up and cower in fear. I refuse to leave this world without a legacy. I refuse to discriminate against anyone. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen  



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