Understanding the Fear of the Lord


Understanding the Fear of the Lord

The Wrong Kind of Fear

In our lives, we often harbor fears of various negative things such as crime, accidents, and disasters. We fear the presence of evil, including demons and Satan himself. Strangely, the one Being we should fear the most seems to be the one we lack fear for—Our Heavenly Father. It is important to delve into why God instructs us to fear Him.

The Terrifying and Paralyzing Fear

There exists a type of fear of God that yields negative outcomes. It is a fear that terrifies and paralyzes, preventing us from approaching His throne and voicing the desires of our hearts in prayer. We become hesitant to speak to God, fearing that we might say the wrong thing and face His wrath. This distorted perception portrays God as a figure ready to strike us down with thunderbolts for any mistake we make. Numerous biblical passages shed light on this wrong kind of fear:

  • The Fear of Demons: Even demons believe in the existence of God and tremble in fear (James 2:19).
  • The Fear of the Unfaithful Servant: The servant who buried his master’s gold out of fear, rather than using it wisely showcases this negative fear (Matthew 25:25).
  • The Fear of Eternal Damnation: Revelation 21:8 highlights the fate of those fearful and lacking belief. The lake of fire, symbolizing the second death, awaits murderers, the impure, those who engage in sexual sins, practitioners of witchcraft, idol worshipers, and those who propagate lies.

Reflecting on these passages, it becomes evident that the fear of God depicted here does not lead to a fruitful and vibrant relationship with Him. Instead, it cripples our faith and hinders us from experiencing His love and grace.

Embracing the Right Fear of the Lord

To counteract this paralyzing fear, we must grasp the true essence of the fear of the Lord. It is not fear that incapacitates, but rather reverential awe, respect, and deep reverence for God’s sovereignty. This fear acknowledges His authority, wisdom, and holiness. It drives us to approach Him humbly and seek His guidance in all aspects of our lives.

By cultivating a healthy fear of the Lord, we open ourselves up to His transformative power and experience a deeper connection with Him. This fear positions us to receive His blessings, wisdom, and protection, while keeping us aligned with His will. It enables us to walk in faith, knowing that God is loving, merciful, and gracious.

Let us cast aside the wrong kind of fear that holds us back and embrace the fear of the Lord that propels us into a fulfilling and purposeful relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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