The Significance of Fearing the Lord


The Significance of Fearing the Lord

The Fear of the Lord: The Foundation of Knowledge

According to the wisdom of King Solomon, the fear of the Lord serves as the gateway to knowledge (Prov. 1:7). Essentially, without the fear of the Lord, our understanding is incomplete. The psalmist affirms this truth, stating that the fear of the Lord is the starting point of wisdom and brings a deeper comprehension of God’s commandments (Psalm 111:10).

Learning to Fear the Lord

In Psalm 34, David emphasizes learning to fear the Lord. This implies that a healthy fear of God can be cultivated and developed. It encompasses an awareness of the consequences of disobedience, which serves as a deterrent to sinful actions (Exo. 20:20).

Contrasting the Fear of the Lord with Worldly Fears

In our present time, fear has infiltrated the hearts of many, even among believers. News of violence, hatred, and various threats have caused distress and anxiety. These fears hinder us from experiencing the fullness of God’s glory. People live in constant fear of snakes, earthquakes, violence, famines, shame, pain, rejection, danger, and loss.

However, amidst this prevailing climate of fear, God is speaking loudly and shaking the foundations of the world. The unshakeable Kingdom of God stands firm while this world’s temporary and fallen nature undergoes tumultuous changes. As we walk in the fear of the Lord, our other fears diminish in significance. We can be carriers of the calmness and peace of Jesus, allowing His serenity to guide our decisions in life.

Overcoming the Fear of Man through the Fear of the Lord

Ironically, people often fear man because they have little fear of God. However, in these times, the fear of the Lord becomes a vital necessity for God’s people. It empowers believers to arise as the victorious Bride of Christ, standing firm and courageous in facing the world’s challenges. By walking in supernatural peace, believers can attract multitudes of sinners and the lost, living out the magical life God intended for them.

Embracing the Fear of the Lord

In a world inundated with fears, believers must anchor themselves in the fear of the Lord. This fear is not a paralyzing terror but a reverential awe and respect for God’s majesty, holiness, and authority. It involves recognizing His sovereignty and aligning our lives with His will.

As we cultivate the fear of the Lord, we find true wisdom, understanding, and peace. Our focus shifts from the transitory fears of this world to the eternal truths of God’s Kingdom. In this fear, we discover freedom from fear itself, enabling us to live victoriously and draw others to the transformative power of God.

Let us embrace the fear of the Lord wholeheartedly, allowing it to shape our lives, choices, and interactions with others. In doing so, we become conduits of supernatural peace, love, and courage, impacting the world around us and fulfilling our purpose as God’s chosen people.

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