blog Prophecology



The inability to cope with stress and unhappiness is rampant across the younger age group. High levels of loneliness, gun violence, sexual harassment, assault, social media, peers, work, finances, and health concerns are a huge threat to a person’s mental well-being. Not taking care of a person’s mental state can be very alarming as it imposes suicide. Currently, suicide is the leading cause of death in the US.

High levels of loneliness, gun violence, sexual harassment, assault, social media, peers, work, finances, and health concerns are a huge threat to a person’s mental well-being.

Critically one out of six Americans are taking medication for depression or other mental illness. Most commonly they are taking anti-depressants, anxiety relievers and antipsychotics. More than one in three adults is also prescribed a pain reliever for physical pain. This can also substantially increase the risk for suicide.

Mental illness is not always the case for suicide. A lot from those reported to have died through suicide are not known to have a diagnosed mental health condition at the time of their death. However, poor economic conditions and decline in livelihood opportunities as well as loss, substance abuse, physical health, job, and legal factors could lead people at the risk of it.

Mental illness is not always the case for suicide.

In the national discussion of mental health issues, the failure of the mental health system was raised with the infrastructures and the stigma that surrounds mental health diagnoses, substance abuse, and treatment. In addition, the treatment gap was also raised as an issue. This basically describes the difference between those who need treatment versus those who can afford and get treated.

The CDC report noted among the suicide deaths which had a toxicology test, almost 80% had one or more substance in their system.  Alcohol was the most common followed by other drugs. This may provide additional insight into the continuous increase of suicide. Additionally, another question was imposed as to what drives the demand for these psychoactive drugs.

Various studies found some of the reasons for drug misuse were because people use them as pain relievers and relaxers. Some use it to help them sleep and others use it to stay alert. Though it is still not clear what exactly drives the demand for it, it is worth speculating on. We do not know whether their perceived low quality of life marked with high stress and low levels of happiness are also contributing.



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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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