Withdrawals and Deposits


Withdrawals and Deposits

In life, it is illegal to make a withdrawal without first making a deposit. If you do not believe me, go to the bank and try to make a withdrawal from an account without having made any deposits, it won’t work. And if you try to force it, you’ll get arrested. You have to ask for things within the realm of the law. If you would not go to a bank and ask for a withdrawal where you have no deposit, then why would you go to the man of God demanding a withdrawal without making a deposit?


This is why, in the scripture, before you can make a withdrawal from a man of God, you have to make a deposit into a man of God. No deposit, no withdrawal. That’s not only good spiritual sense it’s good business. Could this be a reason why some people are not able to receive the fruit from their prophecy? They received a word without any corresponding action. That’s illegal! Could it be there are some things that we do not come into because we do not know how to work through it or work with it? This is why, in the scripture, before you can make a withdrawal from a man of God, you have to make a deposit into a man of God. No deposit, no withdrawal. That’s not only good spiritual sense it’s good business. Could this be a reason why some people are not able to receive the fruit from their prophecy? They received a word without any corresponding action. That’s illegal! Could it be there are some things that we do not come into because we do not know how to work through it or work with it?


Whenever I am in a dilemma, I will sow a seed and then place a demand. Samuel says it all too well, in his self-titled book, “What shall we take to the man of God to tell us our way? The bread in our vessel is far spent. What have we? This is what we have. You will not be able to find your father’s asses.” In that case, you will not be able to even find your own, if you do not make a deposit. If you cannot make a deposit, it is illegal to make a withdrawal. What I give I keep; what I hold onto I lose.


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Pray this achiever’s prayer aloud:

Father God in me, I thank you now for the perfect law of liberty. I make a commitment to move my faith and begin asking in consciousness for the things that I am ordained to experience in life. I decree from this day forward, success, prosperity, and longevity in my finances, will begin to multiply for me and in my life, the rest of my life. Wisdom shall overtake me. I decree success in everything I put my hands to, in Jesus name. Amen.


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