Your Wholeness Awaits
July 29, 2018 2023-04-05 19:11Your Wholeness Awaits
Your Wholeness Awaits
You are whole spirit, Holy Spirit. When you become joined unto the Lord, you are finally whole. That is why you have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. You came to earth with that blessing. You came in with built-in batteries. When someone wants to dig in your past, ask him or her if they have seen the glory, because you have glory in your background. That is why Jesus said, Glorify thou me with the glory that I had before the world began. Jesus came to earth to show you how you are supposed to perform as a Son of God. You couldn’t have a better teacher.
Believers have glory in their background; you just have to look back far enough. If someone is digging in your past, make sure you tell him or her to not stop digging until they get to the glory. Have you met original face? Have you met my eternal past? If you ran into my past, you would run into my divinity. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, … The most effective prayer then becomes the prayer of saying and seeing. This is a principle of being God. God says what He desires and then He sees it come forth. You can only say though, that which you can see with your spiritual vision. What you say has to be a part of you already. You can only produce that which you are.
Before the earth ever existed, Father and I were already talking, and having discussion. This means, I had an identity before the planet was ever created. That is why I can boldly say that I was in every age at every time. Like God, I have always existed. There was not an age where I was absent. My only problem is that, when I came to this realm, I forgot and got amnesia. The key thing about being born again, the secret of the new birth, is really remembering. That is why the Holy Ghost will bring all things to your memory. That is because everything is already filed in you. You already have the answers inside of you.
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