A Man Who Never Dreams Never Lives
April 21, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12A Man Who Never Dreams Never Lives
A Man Who Never Dreams Never Lives
When a man doesn’t have a dream or a goal to achieve, his life has no purpose. Goals and
dreams inspire us to use our imagination, and when we exist in our inner creativity, we exist as we were intended to exist. A thought that is not of a normal conscious state is called a dream, but dreams are still part of the conscious experience. When we bring a dream into reality, we engage in an essential part of the human experience.
What a waste of life it is when a person goes through the motions without a dream to
pursue? Everyone has the capacity to dream. In fact, God has planted a seed of desire in every heart to give birth to dreams. Perhaps, you have killed this seed as a sapling a long time ago because you were told to do so or you experienced so much pain from disappointment. God is the Giver of life. He can make this seed come alive again. Jesus came so that He can make all things new, and this includes dreams that have been broken or hopes that have died. What dream did you have that you felt has already died? Ask the Lord Jesus Christ for new life and new hope. Dream again.
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