March 13, 2019 2023-04-05 19:12CIRCULATE MONE
If you go to your family reunion and hear someone say they had to spend money to get there, don’t correct them. They won’t understand if you try to explain that they should say “circulate” instead of “spend.” That’s why they’re in the situation they’re in. They used up their money. They ended their supply. But you are evolved, and you operate in circulation.
Reverend Ike taught the following money multiplying prayer: “I see God multiplying back to me all of the money that I use, all of the money that I give or circulate in anyway, in a never-ending cycle of increase and enjoyment.” Repeat: I see God multiplying back to me all of the money that I use, all the money that I give or circulate in any way in a never ending cycle of increase and enjoyment.
God is the Alpha and Omega. He is the Beginning and the End. He is eternal. Money is an invention. If God created the universe, He can create an endless supply of wealth. He can have it at your disposal. What is the condition? Use the money to advance His Kingdom. Jesus said: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mt. 6:33). Not some. Not a little. All. All does not even accurately describe what will be given to you, because when you say all, there is a limit.
Don’t miss out on the point of life. Don’t focus on something so trivial and menial in the
eyes of God. When you are worried about money, God sees you to be worried that you’ll run out of dust. It’s foolish in the eyes of God for you to run after these things.
“What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied
with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know
God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God
and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-
provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday
human concerns will be met.” (Mt. 6:31-33, The Message)
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