blog Prophecology


The first classification for prophets is the east wind prophets. There are prophets whom God called to be like the east wind for its generation. Elijah is an east wind prophet, and you see it in his message. In the same way, John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah because he was also an east wind prophet. These east wind prophets come forth to confront, to tear down, and to remove the works and the stronghold of the Satan.In Luke 3, John the Baptist quoted the book of Isaiah, with the east wind spirit. Here is what is written in the book of Isaiah the prophet. It says,

“A messenger is calling out in the desert,

‘Prepare the way for the Lord.

 Make straight paths for him. Every valley will

be filled in.

 Every mountain and hill will be made level.

The crooked roads will become straight.

 The rough ways will become smooth.

And all people will see God’s salvation.’” (Luke


It was the same east wind spirit of prophecy that moved John to say, “You are like a nest of poisonous snakes! Who warned you to escape the coming of God’s anger” (Lk. 3:7). John preached that the people must repent and be baptized. Those people who responded to the message came to be baptized, and as a result, they acknowledged their sins.

Elijah’s earlier ministry work was destructive. He would declare that there will be no rain, except when he says so. East wind prophets demonstrate their might. We don’t find Jeremiah demonstrating power in healing. The only prophets who were accounted to have power in healing were Elijah and Elisha and Moses. What about the other prophets? Daniel also didn’t demonstrate healing power. John the Baptist didn’t heal anybody.

Even if John had the spirit of Elijah, he said he was not the Elijah to come, because this points to Jesus. The east wind prophet brings forth the ministry with might. In its highest extent, there is healing power—miraculous power demonstrated. Elijah demonstrated this miraculous power. We also see it in Elisha’s ministry, which had twice the number of miracles happening compared to Elijah’s because he asked for and received a double portion of Elijah’s


Why do these prophets need might? They need it to confront demonic powers. They need it so that they can have the authority to call upon repentance from the people, and if they reject this call—judgment.

The four winds of prophecy are needed to create a spiritual revival. Without Jesus, John the Baptist’s ministry would be futile. In other words, east wind prophets cannot function by themselves. It is powerful to identify the prophetic wind empowering you, so that you can find other prophets with different winds for an effective prophetic ministry. East wind prophets cannot function by themselves, instead, they are supposed to prepare the way for others.

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