Facts or Truth?
May 27, 2018 2023-04-05 19:11Facts or Truth?
Facts or Truth?
It is a fact that you might be weak, but it is the truth that you are strong. It is a fact that you are a child, but the truth is, say not I am a child. Are you believing and giving into the facts, or are you supplanting it and tricking spirituality into divine materiality? What do you believe about yourself? Who named you? The truth is, whoever names you, controls you. Whoever names you tells the world who redeemed you. And, whoever redeemed you have the right to use you for his or her benefit and gain. Whoever names you gives you your nature. Who named you? I am very careful not to allow just anyone to speak into the lives of the people I lead. Everyone cannot name you. And when people speak and proclaim words over you, they in actuality are naming you. What they preach to you will create a nature in you. You may not realize what is happening but their words are creating a whole new you, for better or for worse. Whatever they named you, that will be your name thereof. You can only walk in the revelation of what you have been taught.
Just recently after more than 30 years of ministry, I am really beginning to teach. The first part of my ministry, 20 –30 years, I’ve been un-teaching people. I have to undo what already has been put in you in order to lay the foundation for new and relevant truth. You must get rid of your old mind in order to tap into your new mind. Everyone has a new mind, one that has never been used. It has zero miles on it. My job is to help you to come face to face with the new you, forfeit the old you, and begin to live life on a totally new plain. That only happens when you come to yourself, come into your right frame of mind.
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What negative mindset must you un-teach your mind?