The Universal Law of Cause & Effect


The Universal Law of Cause & Effect

Here is a universal law. Whatever you are seeking, the same thing is seeking you. It is like a magnet. Whatever you are magnetized for, that same thing is magnetized towards you. Some times I’ll give a person a prophetic word, and I’ll always tell them, “According to your faith.” That is our disclaimer. I do not tell you that for entertainment purposes, because it is not entertainment. That protects the ministries’ and my own interest. For example, I may tell someone that there is marriage for him or her somewhere between the months of January and March. It feels like marriage. April comes, but there is no marriage.


Were you looking for a man? Did you prepare yourself to be found? “Well, I figured if God wanted me to have a man, He would send one.” God sent him, but he could not pick up your vibrations. Even fish do not come to the hook unless there is bait. It was seeking you but you were not seeking it. Whatever you are seeking, the same thing is seeking you. I am not talking about your mere words; I am talking about your heart. You have to want it, in the heart, not just say it with your mouth. The Bible says that a man that finds a wife, which means that, if you want to be married, you have to be wife material. As long as you are single, you will never get “will you marry me?” The Bible says that a man that finds a wife finds a good thing. That means that you have to be a wife before you go down the aisle. You have to become a wife first in consciousness. You have to walk in the spirit of agreement to attract what you desire and that which you are.  This is consciousness. This is the law of cause and effect.


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How does the Law of Cause and Effect come to play in your life right now?

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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