blog Prophecology



All that said, continue to do the best you can with unity. Make the changes you feel called to make, regardless of your church size, budget, setting, or denomination. This is, after all, a generation that has been marketed to more than any generation in human history. They can smell cheese and incompetence a mile away.

Continue to make your ministry better, but still, work harder on your character than you do on your competency. Making room for these millennials in the existing church community would have your church bursting at the seams with people who are passionate about their purpose and on fire for God.


Changing the millennia-old faith to suit millennials won’t draw them through the doors.

It’s difficult to imagine how the church-abandoning millennials could be less in touch with reality. Their theology is subservient to their politics, their demands are contradictory, and half a century of evidence proves that the solutions they’re touting only leave churches empty. Changing the millennia-old faith to suit millennials won’t draw them through the doors. They can get social justice teaching from BuzzFeed. What they need from church is Christianity. Anyone my age who says otherwise is making a grave mistake.

The future of the church rests in the hands of the youngest generations. Engaging both millennials and Gen Z matters more than most might think. One is also considered to be smart enough to know that they comprise two very unique and diverse generations who need to be uniquely reached for greater Kingdom impact.

One of the primary missions of every generation of church leaders is to hand the faith and the church over to the next generation. Practically speaking, churches that fail to reach young adults will struggle far more a decade from now than churches that don’t. Always remember that generalizations are never spot-on.

One of the primary missions of every generation of church leaders is to hand the faith and the church over to the next generation.

Every person is unique, and there is a wide disparity in the age span of the millennial generation. So, while this information is being presented on the basis of statistics, it’s best to just make friends and get to know millennials for their individual qualities.

Start with the millennials already in your church. Talk to them. Ask their opinions on matters of church business. Make their appearance known and felt in your church. Discover how they think. Put them in positions of leadership. Encourage them to participate. Build the very thing they are looking for — a community of Christ followers, growing spiritually as they learn more about God and love each other.

Don’t let age be a barrier. Get to know what millennials like and what turns them off. Seek out personal, meaningful relationships with individuals in this age group, and help them see the relevance of the church in the lives of all believers.


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