blog Prophecology


David declared in Psa. 32:7,

You are my hiding place.

 You will keep me safe from trouble.

You will surround me with songs sung by those

who praise you

 because you save your people.

When you are talking about knowledge and the fear of the Lord, you are also talking about worship. It is this spirit that causes you to lift your hands in worship of the Lord. It is through the songs of deliverance that God is able to bring forth knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

You can be in some secular space and worship God, and you will experience an awesome presence that begins to fill the place. There are two prophets, one of them is David, who moved in the west wind spirit. His psalms reveal how he conquered all his enemies. Because of his life, Solomon lived a life of peace. David was a man of war, however, he made war through worship.

Through his life, he was able to conquer all the enemies of Israel. Because of him, Solomon became a man of peace. David is well-known as a man of war. He made war with his songs. He conducted warfare with his songs.

May they praise God with their mouths.

 May they hold in their hands a sword that has

two edges.

Let them pay the nations back.

 Let them punish the people of the earth.

Let them put the kings of those nations in chains.

 Let them put their nobles in iron chains.

Let them carry out God’s sentence against those


 This will bring glory to all his faithful people.

(Psalm 149:6-9)

The west wind may look like a judgment, but it is a judgment that is targeting Satan and his followers. The east wind is the judgment against sin—the works of Satan. The key attribute of an east wind prophet is the demonstration of might and miraculous power. On the other hand, the demonstration of deliverance is the mark of the west wind prophet.

In the book of Judges, the prophetess Deborah is a west wind prophet (Judg. 4:4). Through her ministry, God anointed her to set the Israelites free from the chains of bondage. In fact, Barak, her co-worker, had to obtain courage from her. What did they do when they experienced victory? In Judg. 5:1, Deborah and Barak sang. They worshipped God.

Deborah was used by God as an instrument to deliver His people. The West wind comes with a gentleness. The gentleness comes in the praise and worship. Through her encouragement, Barak was able to go forth. West wind prophets tend to minister through relationships and counseling. They are also able to deliver people from the curse of the law because of their discernment.

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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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Prophecology: The Podcast

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