Your Spiritual Alphabet

blog Prophecology

Your Spiritual Alphabet

What is the language of the revelation God has for you? Before you can interpret the prophetic word from the Holy Spirit properly, in order for you to take action and to intercede effectively, you must understand the language. Have you learned your spiritual alphabet?

A spiritual alphabet is something that is unique to the believer. God will speak to you according to the language you speak. Different industries have different jargons. The medical industry has a language of its own. Musicians have a written language system that cannot be comprehensible to someone who has never been taught to read musical symbols. Preachers and prophets also have their unique language. The problem is it can cause problems when the hearers of the word do not match the language that the prophet speaks.


Find your language, and the Holy Spirit will communicate to you through this language. It’s not as literal as speaking in English, Japanese, or Spanish. The individual is the “language” by which he or she interprets his or her life from. How does a world occur to an individual? This occurrence is his language.


Each person has different life experiences. The language by which we receive and impart revelation is distinct to us. Your language is the context by which you interpret your life in general. Each believer has a personal walk, and because of it, a personal talk. The spiritual alphabet is similar—it’s unique to each individual—according to one’s personal relationship with God. Some are more well-versed than others, just because they are aware of it.


Nevertheless, even if our individual spiritual alphabets differ, the foundational approach to interpretation is the same—based on the Bible. Proper interpretation can occur on different levels.


Experience the Power of Prophecy  as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Study the interpretation of the words and symbols by researching their meanings, as recorded in Scripture or other historical literature.

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