


Desiring Prosperity

Desire prosperity instead of poverty. Many individuals believe that wishing for prosperity is a bad idea. They consider it irreligious and an indication of greed. But, no, it’s fine to want to be prosperous. Having a desire for prosperity should not be something we feel wrong about, as long as we do it correctly.

Poverty is not a virtue to be cultivated. In fact, don’t you know that poverty is a sin because it blinds man to the infinite good that God has bestowed upon him? Yes, it is is a disease that, as it progresses, becomes a type of insanity. It is the reason so many people are imprisoned as thieves and murderers.

Poverty drove some people to prostitution, other addictions, and even suicide. Moreover, it squanders some children’s potential, leading to misbehavior and crime.

Success and Legacy

We should want success since it is our legacy. There are promises in the Bible that tell us about our future prosperity as God’s children. God’s will is to prosper us, make us wealthy, and provide for our necessities — this is our divine inheritance. A person who does not wish to become successful is abnormal since you cannot live a fulfilling and everyday life if you are not prosperous. Physically, we cannot return to normalcy without enough food, clothing, shelter, and a reduction in our workload. We require relaxation as well as time to unwind for our bodily well-being.

One cannot be fulfilled on the mental plane unless he feeds his creativity or engages in some creative mental activities. A person cannot live happily if there are no good books to read, music to listen to, art to see, travel opportunities, or simply an intellectual association with other people. As a result, living a delighted spiritual life necessitates ample time for quiet contemplation, prayer and meditation, spiritual study, attendance at church services and other lectures, and association with others on the same spiritual path. Being in a state of scarcity should not be a permanent feature of your existence. Do not accept it as the norm, for prosperity, not poverty, is our divine birthright as King’s sons and daughters.

Success is Ordained

Do note separate prosperity from your spiritual life. We can’t bear leading two lives. Our God, rich and giving, compassionate and understanding, can handle all of your life’s issues, even your finances. He can benefit us monetarily in the same way that he provides us with excellent health, family, and friends. Seek his expertise and assistance on financial matters. You will be astonished at how he can demonstrate how to live life to the fullest.

Some people believe that poverty is predestined, leading them to think that we should not strive for success in life. Some have even attempted to explain it by using the passage that states that one cannot serve God and money simultaneously. In other versions, mammon refers to an object of worship or a false god. The Book of Matthew does not imply people be poor, but rather that we should not love the riches of this world so much that we make them our object of worship instead of the God of the universe.

People who serve mammon are individuals who have wandered around without including God in their money matters and have attempted to do it on their own, with their strength. When a person realizes that God is a god who wants to prosper him and that God is the source of his success, they are not worshiping mammon but merely claiming the inheritance from the Source. God, who is Jehovah Jireh, commanded the children of Israel through the prophet Moses in Deuteronomy 8:18, “Remember the Lord your God.” He is the one who provides you the ability to succeed to fulfill the vow He confirmed with an oath to your forefathers.” Desire to be prosperous.


Click here to read: THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IN LIFE 



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