


The SWOT analysis game is a technique useful to assess four aspects of a business or project. Frequently, your end state is not what you desired as there are always unpredictable obstacles and detours that alter your trek to the finish line. But what if you could identify these interferences before you begin your journey? With this activity, you can work as a team to uncover your strengths and opportunities, as well as your weaknesses and threats that prevent you from attaining your goal. 

The Game 

Begin by explaining your desired end state to your players. Draw a picture of it and add fun descriptions to create a playful atmosphere. Next, create a chart with four quadrants and provide dot stickers, sticky notes — preferably a different color for each quadrant — and pens to the participants. In the upper left quadrant, write “Strengths.” For 5 – 10 minutes, have players write their ideas on the sticky notes, describing anything that will help them excel toward the goal. Repeat this process for each of the other quadrants in the following order: 

  • 1st Quadrant is for Opportunities – leads that you can focus your energy on 
  • 2nd Quadrant is for Strengths – what you have going for you 
  • 3rd Quadrant is for Weaknesses– anything that you can improve upon 
  • 4th Quadrant is for Threats – obstacles that you must surpass 

After everyone has written their ideas, post their sticky notes on the respective quadrants. As a team, go through each category and cluster the related ideas together. Have players dot vote with the stickers you have provided to identify the most relevant groups. 

Next, collaborate with the participants to create broader categories for the clusters, such as “Customer Service” or “Leadership.” Vote to find the most important classes. To conclude the game, summarize your findings and work together to identify how you can use the results to your advantage to reach your desired end state. Engage the participants and encourage them to come up with fresh insights. 

Why Does It Work? 

The SWOT analysis game allows you to predict the challenges that stand between the present and your desired end state and see the advantages you have. You can use that to overcome these obstacles. Rather than waiting to see what should have been done in hindsight, identify what you must do to attain your goal. With the extensive collaboration involved, you can uncover you can present blind spots and deeper insights. 




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