


Saving money is a priority for money vigilant people. The idea of spending money on your loved ones should be appealing and welcome. However, money vigilant people can find this to be a challenge. A money-vigilant person derives happiness from having money saved. They never enjoy spending it. Having said that, it fails to build on their close relationships, especially with family.

Always a “No”

The money vigilant person is discrete about their financial status. However, as much as they do not want others to know how much money they have, they are open with their partners. Imagine a scenario where a partner sees how much money they have in the bank. However, they cannot go for a holiday. Moreover, they would say “no” to a fun day at the amusement park. They will say “no” to anything that will cost them money. Such a partner is likely to be unhappy with their financial choices even though they have financial security.

At times, budgeting for fun proves to be the best option for both themselves and their family. Having said that, the money-vigilant person should learn the practice of spending money, especially as a form of reward for their hard work. A money-vigilant person may have grown up believing that people should first save money before anything else. From childhood experiences and trauma, such a money script develops and affects people’s spending money for fun.

Are you wasting your life?

Are you wasting your years away saving without allowing yourself time to have fun and enjoy the fruits of your labor? Or, are you enjoying your life too much that you disregard your financial health? What can you do to strike a balance between building your wealth and enjoying life?

How does a relationship with Jesus address any worry about money? What biblical truth speaks to your financial situation right now? Identify a passage from the Bible.




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