


Identifying needs vs wants should have an impact on how we spend money. A lot of people believe that money is scarce. However, why do they still spend so much on things that aren’t necessary?

Consider a scenario where your friend asks you for money, citing an emergency.

After a week, you see them post pictures online on vacation. How would you feel?

Chances are you will be disappointed and even decide never to lend them money again. It would appear to you as though they never had an emergency, but they wanted money to go and enjoy themselves. 

What steps are you taking in saving for  a rainy day? 

What and who is the most significant influence on your spending? 

Your relationship with money should be that of stewardship. Your Father in Heaven has an unlimited storehouse, but He has entrusted you with a limited amount here on earth. While He can provide for you limitlessly, you have to be a good steward. God is wise to withhold some of the supply because humans can operate in foolish ways, especially when it comes to wealth.

Supply and Demand

Scarcity adds value to any commodity. This is why money carries weight wherever you go. As good stewards, we should place value on our spending. In deserts, people value water because it is the most precious commodity.

When we attach importance to something, we use it wisely. Diligence calls for us to spend wisely so that we may not struggle later on. Our priority should be to cater to our basic needs, then plan for proper use of any remainder. Never bite off more than you can chew.  




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Book: Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1, Written by Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan

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Zoe Ministries Magazine

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